San Ramon BBQ Party, Venezuela 2004 

Sunday, October 17th, 2004 - San Ramon BBQ - We joined the Caracas Hash social group for a BBQ party in San Ramon, which is a few miles south of downtown Caracas.

(click any picture to get an enlargement)

The area around San Ramon is very pretty, quite hilly and the roads are windy. 
The weather was a little cloudy, but the temperature was perfect for party.

From the terrace you could ... ... see the Avila Mountains ... ... and the area where we live.

You could also see... ... down the valley to ... ... the eastern barrios (slums).

Hey, looking at a burning government building.
The fire started more than 18 hours ago.  

No tall buildings in Caracas have sprinkler systems; they cannot pump the water that high... yikes!


The runners finally arrive and look exhausted. The host is relieved that most people didn't get lost. Relaxation set in after a beer and with their great views.


The organizers are introduced and thanked properly.